How to Know If Physical Therapy Is Working

How to Know If Physical Therapy Is Working

Physical therapy aims to treat both the problem and the pain. Evaluating your treatment to know if your physical therapy is working may only be reasonable after 4 weeks of consistent sessions. There are numerous benefits to physical therapy, like decreased stress and fatigue as well as improved quality of life. Treatment sessions are generally inexpensive to moderate in price. Physical therapy can also uncover ailments in early stages to help with rapid detection and management. Follow these steps to learn how to assess your physical therapy treatment.

Things You'll Need:

Computer with Internet access

Reassess Outcomes to Know if Physical Therapy is Working


Gauge your level and range of motion. If before starting treatment you had very limited or no range of motion, this will be an easy way to see progress. Every improvement should be recognized to keep you motivated to continue therapy.


Consider your ability to return to work an indication that therapy is working. Once the doctor releases you to work, you know your injury is improving.


Understand that the strengthening process of physical therapy is actually helping to prevent future injuries, too.


Search the "Physical Therapy Association" Web site for common misconceptions of physical therapy (see Resources below).

Keep Record of Physical Progress


Document your injury from the first day, if possible. Your ability to remember pain and changes in pain over the course of treatment will help you see how the physical therapy is working.


Create a chart showing the progress of your mobility on a daily basis. It will be much easier to see the results after therapy has been completed if you can look at it on paper.


Ask your therapist's perspective on your level of progress. Often, if no progress is being made the therapist can suggest alternative treatments to relieve pain.

Reap the Benefits of Physical Therapy


Enjoy restful sleep as a result of physical therapy. Pain and injury will rob you of a good night sleep although you may not always realize it. Begin therapy and see how it starts to affect other areas of wellness.


Improve quality of life at any age. Many people suffering from joint and muscle pain feel symptoms of depression, which results in an unhealthy self image or distorted view of their situation. Alleviating the pain may help to bring relief to psychological conditions presented by the injury.

Tips & Warnings

Set realistic expectations. No doctor or therapist will be able to heal your condition with the first treatment.

Don't try to treat medical emergencies with physical therapy. Call 911 or go to the hospital if you feel increased pressure in your chest.