How to Know If the Alexander Technique Is Working

How to Know If the Alexander Technique Is Working

Commonly used for everything from pain relief and stress reduction to improved movement and posture, the Alexander Technique is a method for achieving body balance and general well being. Teachers of the technique help their students to unlearn bad habits developed over time, replacing them with heightened self awareness and natural grace.

Things You'll Need:

Computer with Internet access

Take Alexander Technique Lessons


Visit the American Society for the Alexander Technique Web site (see Resources below).


Locate the "Find A Teacher" link and use your mouse to click on it.


Select a state from the drop-down box or click on the "International Teachers" link.


Browse through the list of teachers in your area and choose one.


Attend at least a few Alexander Technique lessons.


Learn more about the Alexander Technique and ways to determine if it's working by purchasing the 'The Alexander Technique'
by Jane Kosminsky and Deborah Caplan. You can find it on the Amazon Web site (see Resources below).

Evaluate Whether or Not the Alexander Technique is Working


Start slowly and gradually build your level of self awareness.


Determine whether or not your movements feel less labored.


Notice whether or not you are able to breathe easier.


Consider your state of mind and whether or not you feel more at ease.


Know that the Alexander Technique is a skill that may take time to master.


Stand in front of a full length mirror and compare the way you move now with your movements before you learned the Alexander Technique.


Ask your teacher to help you evaluate your progress.

Tips & Warnings

Be sure to let your teacher know if you have low blood pressure, anemia or any condition that could cause you to lose your balance.

If you decide to teach yourself the Alexander Technique, you may wish to have a single class with a teacher to give you confidence as you learn on your own. However, most agree that it is most effective to take at least a few one-on-one lessons to ensure it's working properly.

Alexander Technique lessons are generally moderately priced, while self study can be done for free or at budget level prices.

Know that the Alexander Technique is not a medical treatment. If you have a serious medical condition, such as scoliosis or arthritis, seek the help of a physician.

Before you start any alternative medical technique, be aware that many have not been scientifically evaluated. Often, only limited information is available about their safety and effectiveness. Each state and each discipline has its own rules about how alternative medicine practitioners can be professionally licensed. If you decide to visit one, choose one licensed by a recognized national organization. Consult your primary health care provider about your decision first. Keep your doctor informed about the alternative medical technique you undertake.